AMB Technologies offer completely practical oriented courses in solar power engineering both regular class room & online mode and these courses provide hands-on system design instruction for people seeking employment in the solar industry, people who want to start up business in the solar energy field, as well as companies that want to grow or establish in-house solar design departments.
The goal of these intensive training courses is to give students an in-depth exposure to the numerous considerations involved in the design and permitting of both residential and commercial Photovoltaic (PV) systems. Students will learn how to generate system designs and supporting documentation for solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems which includes production of plans for building permit applications and construction, specification of solar equipment and components, design of systems, and mechanical and electrical points of connection for grid-tied Photovoltaic (PV) system.
Our trainers are industry professionals with extensive real-world knowledge that is effectively relayed throughout our institute. We provide instructor-led training throughout the day over the length of the course in a distraction-free environment. Instructors are available at all times to provide individual and group attention, and ensure the students’ success.
Who should attend: Anybody who wants to gain valuable hands-on experience, especially ITI/Diploma/BE/ in electrical, electronics, instrumentation and mechanical engineers; electrical and general contractors, electrical designers, solar companies and solar industry professionals who want to further their knowledge of solar design.
Prerequisites: Participants should have a basic knowledge in fundamentals of electrical engineering.
What time: 10 am to 8 pm each day.
How much: The fee is Rs.60000+ GST per person for Diploma in Solar Power Engineering and Rs.40000+ GST per person for Diploma in Solar Power Plant Design. Fee includes course materials.
Course Duration: 3 months duration for Diploma in Solar Power Engineering and 2 months duration for Diploma in Solar Power Plant Design
How to Register: We offer the following options to register for this class. Class size is limited, so we recommend that you register early to guarantee a seat.
1. Online – click on the Enroll Now button below and register using a credit or debit card. You will be redirected to our online payment page for a safe, secure transaction. You will receive an email confirmation when the transaction is complete.
2. By phone – simply call us at +91-7893362466, 7989408861 and we’ll process your registration over the phone.

Courses Offered
Chapter 1-On-site Health & Safety
1.1 Solar Construction Safety
1.2 General Jobsite Safety
1.3 Lifting Safety
1.4 Ladder Safety
1.5 Fall Protection and Jobsite trip Hazards
1.6 Solar Plumbing Safety
1.7 Solar Electrical Safety
Chapter 2-Basic Electrical Engineering
2.1 Concept of Electric Potential and Potential Difference
2.2 Current and Voltage
2.3 Resistance
2.4 Ohm’s Law
2.5 Effect of temperature on resistance
2.6 Resistance in series and parallel circuits
2.7 Relationship between Current, Voltage and Resistance
2.8 Voltage and Current Division
2.9 Power and Energy
2.10 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
2.11 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
2.12 Direct Current and Alternating Current
2.13 Characteristics of Alternating Current
2.14 Solids
2.15 Conductor
2.16 Semiconductor
2.17 Insulator
2.18 P-type and N-type Semiconductors
2.19 PN Junction Diode
2.20 V-I Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
2.21 Photoelectric Effect
2.22 Photovoltaic Cell
2.23 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
2.24 Overview of Batteries
2.25 Types of batteries for use in PV applications
Chapter 3-Solar Radiation
3.1 Overview
3.2 Sun-Earth relationship
3.3 Solar Radiation
3.4 Electromagnetic Spectrum
3.5 Solar Irradiance (Solar Power)
3.6 Solar Irradiation (Solar Energy)
3.7 Solar Power and Solar Energy
3.8 Peak Sun Hours
3.9 Solar Power and Energy Examples
3.10 Solar Radiation Data
3.11 Sun path Diagram
3.12 Atmospheric Effect
3.13 Defining the position of the Sun (Altitude and Azimuth)
3.14 Solar Altitude
3.15 Geometric Effects
3.16 Air Mass
3.17 Tilting Solar Modules
3.18 Magnetic North & True North
Chapter 4-Solar Photovoltaic Cell
4.1 Photovoltaic- A History
4.2 Working principle of a PV Cell
4.3 V-I Characteristics of a PV Cell
4.4 Power Characteristics of a PV Cell
4.5 Fill Factor & Equivalent solar PV Cell circuit
4.6 Standard Test Conditions (STC) & Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)
4.7 Factors which affect the performance of a solar PV Cells
4.8 Solar PV Cell efficiency
4.9 Physical Aspects of solar PV cell efficiency
4.10 Types of Solar PV Cells
4.11 Silicon Solar Cells
4.12 Solar PV Cell Connections
4.13 Solar PV modules
4.14 Electrical Protection of Solar Modules
4.15 Reliability of Solar PV modules
4.16 Series and Parallel circuits of Solar PV modules
4.17 Combining Series and Parallel Circuits of Solar PV modules
4.18 Solar PV module String
4.19 Solar PV module Array
4.20 Applications of Solar PV modules
4.21 Solar PV Module Plant Visit
Chapter 5-Solar Power Plant Design
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Types of Solar Power Plants
5.2.1 Grid Connected Solar Power Plant (Ground Mount & Roof Top)
5.2.2 Grid Interactive Solar Power Plant
5.2.3 Off- grid Solar Power Plant
5.2.4 Hybrid Solar Power Plant
52.5 Net metering Solar Power Plant
5.3 Overview of Solar Inverters Technology
5.3.1 Purpose of Inverter in Solar PV Plants
5.3.2 Grid Connected Inverters vs. off grid Inverters
5.3.3 Types of Grid Connected Inverters
5.3.4 PV to Inverter interface
5.3.5 Central Inverter
5.3.6 String Inverter
5.3.7 Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)
5.4 PWM and MPPT Charge controllers
5.5 Inverter protection Systems
5.6 Power quality
5.7 Monitoring
5.8 Inverter Efficiency
5.9 How DC is converted to AC
5.10 Inverters for use in India
5.11 Mounting Structure
5.11.1 Overview of mounting structure
5.11.2 Calculation of wind loading of the Solar PV Array
5.11.2 Types of Mounting Systems (Roof mounted & Ground mounted)
5.11.3 Solar PV Array Row Spacing
5.12 Balance of System (BOS)
5.12.1 Introduction
5.12.2 DC & AC Cabling
5.12.3 Array Sting protection and disconnect Switches
5.12.4 Array Junction Box
5.12.5 PV main Disconnection Devices
5.12.6 Lightening Protection
5.12.7 Metering
5.12.8 Solar Power Plant monitoring (Local & Web based display)
5.13 Energy Efficiency calculations for passive Solar design principle
5.14 Steps to follow while Designing Solar Power Plants
5.14.1 Undertaking a Site Assessment
5.14.2 Selection of a Solar PV module
5.14.3 Selection of an Inverter
5.14.4 Selection of Size of the DC & AC Cables
5.14.5 Selection of mounting Structure type
5.14.6 Measure the site area that the maximum number of Solar panels that can installed on it.
5.14.7 Matching the PV Array to the Inverter’s Voltage, Current Rating and Power Rating
5.14.8 Calculations for matching PV Array and Inverter with example.
5.15 Solar Power Plant Protection
5.15.1 Identify the protection equipment & Switching
5.15.2 Solar PV Array Maximum Voltage
5.15.3 Circuit over Current Protection
5.15.4 Disconnection Devices
5.15.5 Solar Power Plant Earthing
5.15.6 Connecting the Solar Power plant to the Grid
5.16 Losses in a Grid connected Solar PV Plant
5.17 Solar Power Plant Yield & Performance
5.17.1 What Determines the Energy Yield of a Solar Power Plant?
5.17.2 Calculating the energy Yield for a Solar PV grid connected plant
5.17.3 Specific Yield
5.17.4 Performance Ratio
5.18 Solar Power Plant Installation and Commissioning
5.18.1 Follow the IEC Standards
5.18.2 Plant equipment selection & its warranties
5.18.3 Plant Installation preparation
5.18.4 Plant equipment installation
5.18.5 Monitoring equipment & Signage
5.18.6 Commissioning
5.18.7 Solar Plant Documentation
5.18.8 Plant Installation & Pre-Commissioning Checklist
5.18.9 Commissioning Test Sheets
5.19 Solar Power Plant maintenance & Troubleshooting
5.20 Project Work: Designing and Installation of 20 KWp Rooftop Solar PV Power plant
Chapter 6-Large (Mega Watt) Solar PV Plants
6.2 Preliminary Planning
6.3 Designing a large Solar PV grid connected Plant
6.4 What Array/Inverter Configuration should be selected?
6.5 Monitoring
6.6 Costing of Solar PV grid connected Plants
6.6.1 Introduction
6.6.2 Simple Payback & Life cycle costing
6.6.3 Determining costs associated with the whole PV system
6.6.4 Valuing a Solar Power Plant
6.7 Smart Grids
6.7.1 Introduction
6.7.2 What will the Smart grid do?
6.7.3 Smart Meters- What does it do and Why?
6.8 Mega Watt Solar Power Plant Visit
Chapter 7-Solar PV Software Tools
7.1 PV Syst
7.2 Meteonorm
7.3 Google Sketch up
Chapter 8-Solar Street Lights
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Types of Solar Street Lights
8.2.1 Conventional Solar Street Light
8.2.2 All in One Solar Street Light
8.3 Solar Street Light Design
8.3.1 Customer Site Assessment
8.3.2 Selection of LED Luminary
8.3.3 Selection Of Charge controller
8.3.4 Selection of Solar Panel
8.3.5 Selection of Battery
8.3.6 Selection of Pole.
8.3.7 Selection of DC Cable Sizing
8.4 Installation & Commissioning
8.5 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
8.6 Applications
8.7 Advantages and disadvantages
8.8 Solar Street Light Plant Visit
8.9 Project work: Design, Installation and Testing of 24 W Solar Street Light
Chapter 9-Solar Water Heaters
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Principle of Thermo syphon
9.3 Types of Solar Water Heaters
9.3.1. FPC Solar Water Heaters
9.3.2. ETC Solar Water Heaters
9.3.3. Pressurised Solar Water Heaters
9.4 Solar water Heater Design
9.4.1 Customer Site Assessment
9.4.2 Selection of a Solar Water Heater type
9.4.3 Calculation of Solar Water Heater Capacity
9.5 Installation & Commissioning
9.6 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
9.7 Applications
9.8 Advantages and disadvantages
9.9 Solar Water Heater Plant Visit
9.10 Project work: Design, Installation and Testing of 1000 LPD Solar Water Heater
Chapter 10-Solar Power Fencing
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Basics of solar power fencing
10.3 Solar Power Fencing Design
10.3.1 Customer Site Assessment
10.3.2 Selection of number of fencing wire lines, pole height and thickness
10.3.3 Selection of Solar energizer
10.3.4 Selection of Battery
10.3.5 Selection of Solar Panel
10.3.6 Selection of DC Cable Sizing
10.3.7 Installation & Commissioning
10.3.7 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
10.4 Applications
10.5 Advantages and disadvantages
10.6 Solar Power fencing Plant Visit
10.7 Project work: 9 lines solar power fencing
Chapter 11-Custom Design- Solar PV System Projects
11.1 Steps to follow
11.2 Obtain type of Application
11.3 obtain Load details
11.4 Calculate the system components as per the Load
11.4.1 Solar PV modules & it’s Mounting Structure
11.4.2 Charge controller type and its Rating
11.4.3 Battery Bank Voltage & Ampere Hour (Ah)
11.4.4 Cable Sizing
11.5 Selection of DC to DC or DC to AC Converters (if any required)
11.6 Selection of any other components (depending on the type of application)
11.6 Integrate the PV System Components
11.7 Testing and documentation
11.8 Solar PV Project Design Examples
Chapter 1 – On-site Health & Safety
1.1 Solar Construction Safety
1.2 General Jobsite Safety
1.3 Lifting Safety
1.4 Ladder Safety
1.5 Fall Protection and Jobsite trip Hazards
1.6 Solar Plumbing Safety
1.7 Solar Electrical Safety
Chapter 2-Basic Electrical Engineering
2.1 Concept of Electric Potential and Potential Difference
2.2 Current and Voltage
2.3 Resistance
2.4 Ohm’s Law
2.5 Effect of temperature on resistance
2.6 Resistance in series and parallel circuits
2.7 Relationship between Current, Voltage and Resistance
2.8 Voltage and Current Division
2.9 Power and Energy
2.10 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
2.11 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
2.12 Direct Current and Alternating Current
2.13 Characteristics of Alternating Current
2.14 Solids
2.15 Conductor
2.16 Semiconductor
2.17 Insulator
2.18 P-type and N-type Semiconductors
2.19 PN Junction Diode
2.20 V-I Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
2.21 Photoelectric Effect
2.22 Photovoltaic Cell
2.23 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
2.24 Overview of Batteries
2.25 Types of batteries are used in PV applications
Chapter 3-Solar Radiation
3.1 Overview
3.2 Sun-Earth relationship
3.3 Solar Radiation
3.4 Electromagnetic Spectrum
3.5 Solar Irradiance (Solar Power)
3.6 Solar Irradiation (Solar Energy)
3.7 Solar Power and Solar Energy
3.8 Peak Sun Hours
3.9 Solar Power and Energy Examples
3.10 Solar Radiation Data
3.11 Sun path Diagram
3.12 Atmospheric Effect
3.13 Defining the position of the Sun (Altitude and Azimuth)
3.14 Solar Altitude
3.15 Geometric Effects
3.16 Air Mass
3.17 Tilting Solar Modules
3.18 Magnetic North & True North
Chapter 4-Solar Photovoltaic Cell
4.1 Photovoltaic- A History
4.2 Working principle of a PV Cell
4.3 V-I Characteristics of a PV Cell
4.4 Power Characteristics of a PV Cell
4.5 Fill Factor & Equivalent solar PV Cell circuit
4.6 Standard Test Conditions (STC) & Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)
4.7 Factors which affect the performance of a solar PV Cells
4.8 Solar PV Cell efficiency
4.9 Physical Aspects of solar PV cell efficiency
4.10 Types of Solar PV Cells
4.11 Silicon Solar Cells
4.12 Solar PV Cell Connections
4.13 Solar PV modules
4.14 Electrical Protection of Solar Modules
4.15 Reliability of Solar PV modules
4.16 Series and Parallel circuits of Solar PV modules
4.17 Combining Series and Parallel Circuits of Solar PV modules
4.18 Solar PV module String
4.19 Solar PV module Array
4.20 Applications of Solar PV modules
4.21 Solar PV Module Plant Visit
Chapter 5-Solar Power Plant Design
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Types of Solar Power Plants
5.2.1 Grid Connected Solar Power Plant (Ground Mount & Roof Top)
5.2.2 Grid Interactive Solar Power Plant
5.2.3 Off- grid Solar Power Plant
5.2.4 Hybrid Solar Power Plant
52.5 Net metering Solar Power Plant
5.3 Overview of Solar Inverters Technology
5.3.1 Purpose of Inverter in Solar PV Plants
5.3.2 Grid Connected Inverters vs. off grid Inverters
5.3.3 Types of Grid Connected Inverters
5.3.4 PV to Inverter interface
5.3.5 Central Inverter
5.3.6 String Inverter
5.3.7 Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)
5.4 PWM and MPPT Charge controllers
5.5 Inverter protection Systems
5.6 Power quality
5.7 Monitoring
5.8 Inverter Efficiency
5.9 How DC is converted to AC
5.10 Inverters for use in India
5.11 Mounting Structure
5.11.1 Overview of mounting structure
5.11.2 Calculation of wind loading of the Solar PV Array
5.11.2 Types of Mounting Systems (Roof mounted & Ground mounted)
5.11.3 Solar PV Array Row Spacing
5.12 Balance of System (BOS)
5.12.1 Introduction
5.12.2 DC & AC Cabling
5.12.3 Array Sting protection and disconnect Switches
5.12.4 Array Junction Box
5.12.5 PV main Disconnection Devices
5.12.6 Lightening Protection
5.12.7 Metering
5.12.8 Solar Power Plant monitoring (Local & Web based display)
5.13 Energy Efficiency calculations for passive Solar design principle
5.14 Steps to follow while Designing Solar Power Plants
5.14.1 Undertaking a Site Assessment
5.14.2 Selection of a Solar PV module
5.14.3 Selection of an Inverter
5.14.4 Selection of Size of the DC & AC Cables
5.14.5 Selection of mounting Structure type
5.14.6 Measure the site area that the maximum number of Solar panels that can installed on it.
5.14.7 Matching the PV Array to the Inverter’s Voltage, Current Rating and Power Rating
5.14.8 Calculations for matching PV Array and Inverter with example.
5.15 Solar Power Plant Protection
5.15.1 Identify the protection equipment & Switching
5.15.2 Solar PV Array Maximum Voltage
5.15.3 Circuit over Current Protection
5.15.4 Disconnection Devices
5.15.5 Solar Power Plant Earthing
5.15.6 Connecting the Solar Power plant to the Grid
5.16 Losses in a Grid connected Solar PV Plant
5.17 Solar Power Plant Yield & Performance
5.17.1 What Determines the Energy Yield of a Solar Power Plant?
5.17.2 Calculating the energy Yield for a Solar PV grid connected plant
5.17.3 Specific Yield
5.17.4 Performance Ratio
5.18 Solar Power Plant Installation and Commissioning
5.18.1 Follow the IEC Standards
5.18.2 Plant equipment selection & its warranties
5.18.3 Plant Installation preparation
5.18.4 Plant equipment installation
5.18.5 Monitoring equipment & Signage
5.18.6 Commissioning
5.18.7 Solar Plant Documentation
5.18.8 Plant Installation & Pre-Commissioning Checklist
5.18.9 Commissioning Test Sheets
5.19 Solar Power Plant maintenance & Troubleshooting
5.20 Project Work: Designing and Installation of 20 KWp Rooftop Solar PV Power plant
Chapter 6-Large (Mega Watt) Solar PV Plants
6.2 Preliminary Planning
6.3 Designing a large Solar PV grid connected Plant
6.4 What Array/Inverter Configuration should be selected?
6.5 Monitoring
6.6 Costing of Solar PV grid connected Plants
6.6.1 Introduction
6.6.2 Simple Payback & Life cycle costing
6.6.3 Determining costs associated with the whole PV system
6.6.4 Valuing a Solar Power Plant
6.7 Smart Grids
6.7.1 Introduction
6.7.2 What will the Smart grid do?
6.7.3 Smart Meters- What does it do and Why?
6.8 Mega Watt Solar Power Plant Visit
Chapter 7 Solar PV Software Tools
7.1 PV Syst
7.2 Meteonorm
7.3 Google Sketch up